Edenderry Power is the largest renewable dispatchable power plant on the island, with the capability to power 150,000 homes providing security of supply and system services.

Renewable energy is energy that can be replenished from natural sources such as the wind sun and trees. Electricity generated from renewable sources are considered zero carbon.

Sustainable organic residues from forest and agri industries are used. As replanting trees and crops absorbs the same amount of carbon that is released when the biomass is burned to generate electricity, this means biomass is a carbon-neutral source of energy.

Bord na Móna Renewable Energy has a substantial annual biomass requirement to fuel its Edenderry Power Plant and are offering suppliers a continuous year round offtake with flexible contracts.


Wood Chip

Thinnings & Residues


Owing to the Flexibility of the Boiler Technology used, Edenderry Power are in position to accept chips that have been produced from Brash Recovery Operations providing a further source of income for the grower, more importantly it means that the forest site is cleared in preparation for replanting, reducing reforestation costs, increasing the volume of trees replanted and reducing the spread of weevil.

In addition if the material is left in the forest to decay it will be expelling carbon with no counter benefit.

Click here to see Boiler

Edenderry Power is an outlet for Ash Dieback

Ash Dieback is a chronic disease of ash trees and is caused by a fungal pathogen called Hymenoscyphus fraxineus.
It is characterized by leaf loss and crown dieback.

The fungus attacks the leaves and stem, eventually infiltrating the tree and blocking the movement of water through the trunk. This causes the tree to produce less foliage and ‘die back’.

Edenderry Power have a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in line with Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, (DAFM) guidelines for accepting Ash Woodchip that has been infected by Phytophthora or Ash Dieback. Combustion of this material at Edednderry Power to produce renewable electricity provides a return for the grower that they wouldn’t otherwise receive for disposal of this material.

Did You Know?

Bord na Móna has many Log Depots around Ireland.

Which location is closest to you?


If you would be interested in becoming a Biomass Supplier for Bord na Móna In Edenderry Power,
Please contact the below:

Ciara Wynne

087 185 3647

Sean Sheridan

087 032 3194

Kevin Whelehan

087 173 2448

Joseph Spollen

087 965 4645


You can also e-mail us at mailto:Biomass@bordnamona.com